I'm sure there are other Postfix sites which have looked
into the question of what is required for Everbridge email
to come in without potential delays or non-delivery.

I'm asking someone working with our contact at Everbridge
for a list of IPs which are used on their end,
as I've found there are DNS issues and greylisting
flagged one of their SMTP for not re-connecting within 24 hours.

There is also the rate limit we'd like to exempt for their IPs.

I can whitelist their IPs in sqlgreylist and in check_client_access
hash:/etc/postfix/access as well as the DNSRBL.

I'm not aware we can introduce exemptions for smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit

If anyone has already tweaked Postfix to accommodate
the Everbridge alert system, do you want to share what helped?

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