On Mon, Feb 09, 2015 at 07:47:50PM +0100, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:

> one question:
> why are "postfix-files", "main.cf.proto" and "master.cf.proto" below /etc
> since they are not intended to get modified by the admin and hence belongs
> somewhere below /usr?

They are not in "/etc":

    $ egrep '(master|main|dynamicmaps)\.cf|postfix-files' conf/postfix-files  | 
egrep -v '^#' | sort

Rather they are in $meta_directory.  I don't set meta_directory to
/etc in my builds.  Indeed none of the meta_directory files are
intended to be "configuration" files that are hand-edited.  They
should only be modified as a side-effect of package installation
are removal.  This includes dynamicmaps.cf{,.d}, which list installed
dictionary plugins.

If there is a complaint here to be made, it is that perhaps
main.cf.default is largely obsolete (duplicates "postconf -d"),
and is perhaps no longer needed in $config_directory.


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