On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 04:58:39PM +0100, li...@rhsoft.net wrote:

> that below works like a charm:
> make non-interactive-package install_root=%{buildroot}
> config_directory=%{postfix_config_dir} meta_directory=%{postfix_daemon_dir}
> daemon_directory=%{postfix_daemon_dir} shlib_directory=%{postfix_shlib_dir}
> command_directory=%{postfix_command_dir}
> queue_directory=%{postfix_queue_dir} data_directory=%{postfix_data_dir}
> sendmail_path=%{postfix_command_dir}/sendmail
> newaliases_path=%{_bindir}/newaliases mailq_path=%{_bindir}/mailq
> mail_owner=%{postfix_user} setgid_group=%{maildrop_group}
> manpage_directory=%{_mandir} sample_directory=%{postfix_sample_dir}
> readme_directory=%{postfix_readme_dir} || exit 1

After this installs the bits Postfix always installs (that are
listed in the stock postfix-files):

    * If you're building with "dynamicmaps=yes" and want to create
      separate packages for the various database drivers, then
      consider creating a per-driver ".cf" file in:


      listing just that table type and corresponding module path.

      plus whatever logic you'll need to deliver the plugin module
      and the corresponding dynamicmaps config snippet as a separate

    * If you want to install optional test bits:

        posttls-finger, smtp-sink, smtp-source, ...

      You'll have to copy those in yourself, and add them to postfix-files
      or postfix-files.d/<sub-package> as appropriate.


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