On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 04:20:17PM -0600, List wrote:

> We would like to use the Cassandra database to persist the state of abusive
> IPs which we would block from connecting in one of the
> smtpd_xxx_restrictions clauses.  We have systems that exist in multiple data
> centers and Cassandra works really well for persisting data between them,
> but Postfix does not support Cassandra and specifically the CQL language as
> a lookup table.  Is this planned for any releases in the near future?

There are at present no plans to add Cassandra support.  However
there is in 3.0.0 support for dynamic loading of table drivers.
So it becomes easier for O/S distributions to ship optional
addon table drivers for a slew of database types.

Of course someone still has to write a Cassandra driver.


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