On 17 Apr 2015, at 8:02, Krzs wrote:

HTML tags from postfixusers nabble dot come web site don't show up in
emails ,i'll add their content in this replay:

Almost entirely useless. What you added is full of lies, where you've used bogus names and addresses to replace nearly all information that might be useful in diagnosis.

You're asking about a name resolution error message. No one can help you if you are so paranoid that you won't divulge the names and IP addresses involved. However, you did miss ONE IP address that provides a hint towards one mistake:

On 17/04/2015 13:48, Gab wrote:
mydestination = $mydomain, localhost.localdomain, localhost
mydomain = myFQDN
myhostname = smtp.$mydomain
mynetworks =, 86089 IN PTR frozenstar.info.
frozenstar.info. 1512 IN MX 10 smtp.frozenstar.info.
smtp.frozenstar.info. 3327 IN CNAME frozenstar.info.

That's wrong. MX records MUST point to names that have A records.

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