Am 07.08.2015 um 18:24 schrieb Vincent Pelletier:
> On Fri, 07 Aug 2015 17:10:11 +0200,
> "" <> wrote :
>> maybe this, from postfix doc, will help you:
> The problem with this is that it will rewrite "To:" field too, so
> sending to pushes to their SMTP a mail for
> - which they rightfully reject as a relay attempt.

That makes me wonder. Do they know the difference  between "envelope-to"
and "to"-field, or "envelope-from" and "from"-field? (This makes me
remember to the beginning of my fechmail era - they do not use fetchmail
or something similar?)

Usually smtp-Servers should only look to the the "envelope-to/-from",
which they exchange during the smtp dialogue. If a smtp-server is
checking only the from and to fields in the header of the received mail,
they will loose receipient information. That concerns not only mail from
lists, but also mail sent with adressess in BCC.

Possibly, you should try to talk to this special admin. Looks like he's
violating some really important rfc's.


> Or I botched my configuration and/or missed an extra option.
> Regards,

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