I have Postfix/MySQL/Postfixadmin/Dovecot, using postfixadmin I've aliased
one domain to another

using a mailbox for myself for testing, sent emails to aliased domain,
both from outside (gmail) and through this server, receiving OK to my own

BUT, when tried sending to a different user, got "User unknown in virtual
mailbox table"

what am I missing ?

fails to b...@aa.com

Oct 11 22:38:59 emu postfix/smtpd[1506]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from
mail-io0-f182.google.com[]: 550 5.1.1 <b...@aa.com>: Recipient
address rejected: User unknown in virtual mailbox table;
from=<voyte...@gmail.com> to=<b...@aa.com> proto=ESMTP

OK for voy...@aa.com, gets delivered to voy...@aa.com.au

Oct 11 22:39:01 emu policyd: rcpt=12814, whitelist_dnsname=update,
host= (mail-io0-f182.google.com), from=voyte...@gmail.com,
to=voy...@aa.com, size=1570
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/qmgr[22723]: 207FD5E851:
from=<voyte...@gmail.com>, size=1820, nrcpt=1 (queue active)

# grep 207FD5E851  /var/log/maillog
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/smtpd[1506]: 207FD5E851:
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/cleanup[1571]: 207FD5E851:
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/qmgr[22723]: 207FD5E851:
from=<voytek.eym...@gmail.com>, size=1820, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/pipe[1580]: 207FD5E851: to=<voy...@aa.com.au>,
relay=dovecot, delay=1.6, delays=1.6/0.02/0/0.04, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent
(delivered via dovecot service)
Oct 11 22:39:01 emu postfix/qmgr[22723]: 207FD5E851: removed

same, when using webmail on postfix server, email to voy...@aa.com gets
accepted/delivered, conversely, email to b...@aa.com gets same error:

Message not sent.
Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable
Server replied: 550 5.1.1 <b...@aa.com>: Recipient address rejected: User
unknown in virtual mailbox table

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