

I wanted to get people's suggestions/opinions about mixing primary and
backup MX's. 


In my old mail config with qmail it seemed easier to configure.  Basically I
have one mail server with a bunch of domains on it, which acts as the
primary mx (incoming and outgoing etc etc), then I have another box offsite
that is just a backup mx for incoming mail, with a very basic config.


smtpd_banner = backup.xxxxx.net ESMTP

maximal_queue_lifetime = 30d


relay_recipient_maps =

relay_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/relaydomains

transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transportmaps


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =




What I want to do or rather I have a need to do is have one domain on the
backup MX as a primary mx.  Does anyone have any sample config's mixing the
two ? or is it even possible ? is it just as simple as using a regular
primary config and including 


relay_domains = hash:/etc/postfix/relaydomains

maximal_queue_lifetime = 30d



for the backup mx's ? 


I look forward to any comments/suggestions.








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