I have a small server with several domains, always worry some dumb users'
account will get hacked and start spamming (including this dumb user,
like, my own forgotten test account got hacked....)

is it a good idea to put some limits or throttling 'just in case' ?

Postfix 2.11, average server usage is like:
Per-Day Traffic Summary
    date          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
    May 23 2016      1422       1794         21          0       3399
    May 24 2016      1683       2239         10          0       4509
    May 25 2016      1583       2031         11          1       5402
    May 15 2016       576        633         15          1       5343
    May 16 2016      1438       2007         18          6       8497
    May 17 2016      1579       2128         11          1       7738
    May 18 2016      1598       1912          8          2       5889
    May 19 2016      1604       2044         13          6       4947
    May 20 2016      1196       1292          9          2       5100
    May 21 2016       723        788          9          1       4349
    May 22 2016        84         89          0          0        450
    May  8 2016      1753       1823          8       1222       2498
    May  9 2016      2894       3286         10       1440       3365
    May 10 2016      3064       3401         26       1440       2413
    May 11 2016      3004       3428         20       1440       3255

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