On 25/8/2016 7:46 μμ, Sean Greenslade wrote:

Make sure the SPF rules have weights set, then check the spam report for
a message. If SPF is working, you should see at least one of the SPF
rules trigger for every message.

Thank you Sean for all your help.

I am focusing on amavisd-new / spamassassin for my efforts.

I have started a thread in the amavisd-new users mailing list, since bayesian filtering is off-topic here.

However, before ending this thread, I would like to ask: all these rules for which you have defined scores:

   score LOTS_OF_MONEY 0.9
   score WEIRD_PORT 1.5
   score TO_IN_SUBJ 1.0

   score RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_BL 1.0
   score RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L5 2.5
   score RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L4 2.0

...are custom rules you have set up? If so, what do they look like?(You may want to reply off-list, if you deem it is more approrpriate.)

The same question goes for the SPF rules.

I am asking because I see:

   # spamassassin -D --lint
   Aug 27 17:13:56.860 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H4
   Aug 27 17:13:56.860 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_WL
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L5
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H3
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule PP_TOO_MUCH_UNICODE02
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule HEADER_HOST_IN_WHITELIST
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule URI_HOST_IN_BLACKLIST
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H2
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   Aug 27 17:13:56.861 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule URI_HOST_IN_WHITELIST
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule HELO_LH_HOME
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule HEADER_HOST_IN_BLACKLIST
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_ZBI
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L2
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule HK_NAME_MR_MRS
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_BL
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule PP_TOO_MUCH_UNICODE05
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L4
   Aug 27 17:13:56.862 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_H5
   Aug 27 17:13:56.863 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule URIBL_SBL_A
   Aug 27 17:13:56.863 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule PP_MIME_FAKE_ASCII_TEXT
   Aug 27 17:13:56.863 [10384] dbg: config: warning: score set for
   non-existent rule RCVD_IN_MSPIKE_L3

Also note that re. SPF tests, I see:

   # spamassassin -D --lint
   Aug 27 17:13:58.228 [10384] warn: rules: failed to run SPF_NONE
   test, skipping:
   Aug 27 17:13:58.229 [10384] warn:  (Can't locate object method
   "check_for_spf_none" via package "Mail:
   [...]:SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1241) line 343.
   Aug 27 17:13:58.229 [10384] warn: )
   Aug 27 17:13:58.231 [10384] warn: rules: failed to run SPF_HELO_NONE
   test, skipping:
   Aug 27 17:13:58.231 [10384] warn:  (Can't locate object method
   "check_for_spf_helo_none" via package "Mail:
   [...]:SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus" at (eval 1241) line 959.
   Aug 27 17:13:58.231 [10384] warn: )

What may be a problem here?


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