>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Horsley <horsley1...@gmail.com> writes:

Tom> On Wed, 31 Aug 2016 18:32:03 -0400
Tom> Tom Horsley wrote:

>> I'm just reading about the pickup program and the
>> receive_override_options to turn off mapping.
>> I think that might work, only the mail from
>> fetchmail is being locally delivered via pickup.

Tom> Nah, that didn't work either, but I think I can just totally
Tom> bypass postfix in the fetchmail half of the equation by giving it
Tom> an mda to deliver to rather than telling it to do local delivery.

Tom> Just put the complicated pipe in my .forward file into
Tom> fetchmail's mda option instead.

I use fetchmail which I then pipe into procmail as the MDA, which
works awesome for sorting mail.  But... I'm now in the process of
setting up my own domain using postfix and dovecot and I'll have to
move to Sieve to do all this.

In my .fetchmailrc I have something like this:

   poll imap.gmail.com protocol IMAP
          user "somenice...@gmail.com", with password 
"brothercanyouspareadime", is
          'bob' here ssl
          mda "procmail -d %T"

and it works well.  Then in my local .procmailrc I have all my filters
into mbox style files which are the inboxes for my email folders.
Works well.

But like I said, I'm now moving to postfix/dovecot/sieve for my mail
handling.  All so I can read home mail in multiple places more easily.


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