On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 06:26:35AM -0400, Postfix User wrote:
> Postfix-3.2-20160917 with FreeBSD-11.0 /64 bit
> Lately, I have been finding the following entries in the maillog:
> 13643:Sep 30 02:00:40 scorpio postfix/smtpd[83056]: warning: 
> hostname ip-address-pool-xxx.fpt.vn does not resolve to address 
> hostname nor servname provided, or not known
> 13822:Sep 30 02:00:40 scorpio postfix/smtpd[83056]: connect from 
> unknown[]
> 13904:Sep 30 02:00:41 scorpio postfix/smtpd[83056]: disconnect from 
> unknown[] helo=1 auth=0/1 quit=1 commands=2/3
> While the IP, etcetera will change, the basic message is the same. 
> I thought I had postfix configured to block attempts like this.

It IS blocked.  It disconnected after EHLO.  We don't know why the 
client was unable to continue; the SMTP protocol does not provide a 
means for the client to tell the server what it didn't like.

> Obviously not though. My config file is below. What am I missing?
> ~ $ postconf -nf

You did not show "postconf -Mf".  Is there a " -o syslog_name=..." 
setting for submission?  If not there should be.  It would be of 
interest to know whether this one was on port 25 or 587.

> broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes

why?  In 2016 that's much like taping a "KICK ME" sign on your back 
and walking blindfolded around a schoolyard.  You will get kicked.

The Microsoft mail clients from that era have been unmaintained for 
many years now, and they are the darlings of the malware purveyors.

> enable_long_queue_ids = yes

Very good. :)  This is one of my pet projects: to try to get more 
adoption of long queue IDs.  I think it's quite appropriate since the 
last version without it is almost 2 years past EOL now.

(Wietse, any thoughts on making this the default, at least for new 
installs?  Perhaps "make upgrade" could put in a "no" setting if 
enable_long_queue_ids is not found in main.cf?)

> smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated
>     permit_tls_clientcerts reject_unknown_client_hostname
>     reject_unauth_destination

I don't have this in main.cf, I have it as mua_relay_restrictions and 
used as an override on submission only.  And you probably do not want 
reject_unknown_client_hostname here, because that demands PTR/A 
matching, whereas many submitting clients will have no PTR at all, or 
PTR/A mismatch.

> smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

This, likewise, I'd only enable on submission.  You should not accept 
nor offer AUTH on port 25.

  * * *

All that said, your relay restrictions would have rejected that 
client if it had proceeded all the way to RCPT TO.
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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