On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 10:48:49PM +0200, Davide Marchi wrote:
> I'm installing Postfix + Dovecot on my first VPS Debian Jessie, so
> I'mabeginner :-)
> using Christoph's workaround tutorial:
> https://workaround.org/ispmail/jessie.

If you're a beginner you do not need such a complex system.  Start 
small, such that you can actually learn what you're doing.  When 
you're running an ISP or a huge freemail system like gmail, add 
complexity as may be required.

http://www.postfix.org/BASIC_CONFIGURATION_README.html is a good 
starting point.

> I've made some test, andthe previous oneshave gone well:
> 1) echo test | mail j...@example.org
> 2) mutt -f /var/vmail/example.org/john/Maildir
> 3) mutt -f imap://j...@example.org@localhost
> 4) access by roundcube
> 5) telnet localhost smtp
> 6) openssl s_client -connect localhost:25 -starttls smtp

You should know what each of those is actually testing.  Most of 
those tests are not really showing you anything relevant to the 
$Subject line.

> More than thetutorialI've installedshorewalland open/close 
> someports:
> ACCEPT          net             $FW             tcp 587

I don't use (and this list does not support!) shorewall, but this 
looks "open" ...

> But the 587 nevertheless seems closed testing server by nmap:
> nmap -O
> [..]
> 587/tcp closed submission
> [..]

... and this might be contradictory, or it might be another case of 
poor testing procedure?

> Testing spam detection via swaks seem not work so fine:
> swaks --to j...@example.org --server --data
> /usr/share/doc/spamassassin/examples/sample-spam.txt
> it producesthis log (verbosity=4):

Leave verbosity at normal.  You do not / did not need all the extra 
garbage, which in fact seems to have caused you to overlook what you 
needed to see:

> Oct 20 21:41:38 server postfix/submission/smtpd[3301]: connect
> from server.sio4.org[]

So this ^^ says your $Subject is wrong, at least when testing from 
the host you used for your test.  Looks like the same IP address, so 
most likely this was a bad/pointless test.

> Oct 20 21:41:38 server postfix/submission/smtpd[3301]: > 
> server.sio4.org[]: 530 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS 
> command first

Christoph has configured submission to require TLS, which is good.
Your "swaks" tool (which also is not supported here) is not a useful 

> I think the problem could be the precisely the "sumission port" but 
> it is not clear for me how open it.
> Could you give me a little help?

If that's the case, check your shorewall documentation and go to a 
place which supports that software, which is a frontend to the Linux 
iptables(8) toolset.

You might indeed have Postfix misconfiguration problems; likely so 
because your post indicates you don't really understand much about 
how it all should work.  But you did not present any evidence of 
issues with which this list would be the place to go for help.  If 
you do encounter Postfix problems later, please see this link, which 
was given in the list welcome message, before posting again:

  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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