I don't have experience with FreeBSD provided Postfix, but in general, you should be able to copy your config file to newer versions of postfix with little or no changes. An alternative would be to run postconf -n on server A to find your customizations and only copy these items to server B.

Use tools like smtptest (part of Cyrus), telnet, and the email clients popular with your user base to send email from on and off network to verify functionality of incoming email, outgoing email, and authentication on Server B.


Bernard T. Higonnet wrote on 10/26/2016 3:39 AM:
I want to build and test (at least a little) a new server to replace an existing, production one.

The old one is on machine xxx.xxx.xxx.A running FreeBSD10/Postfix 3.0.2 and the new one on xxx.xxx.xxx.B running FreeBSD11/Postfix 3.1.3.

I would much appreciate advice on how best to define the variables related to host name, domain name, etc. to that

1) I can send mail out from xxx.xxx.xxx.B (mostly to xxx.xxx.xxx.A but hopefully elsewhere if possible) AND
2) receive mail at xxx.xxx.xxx.B
3) not change anything on xxx.xxx.xxx.A

Both of these machines are virtual machines housed at some data center somewhere.

When I am reasonably satisfied xxx.xxx.xxx.B is working, I will copy all the (IMAP) emails on xxx.xxx.xxx.A to xxx.xxx.xxx.B, give it the host name etc. of xxx.xxx.xxx.A, and change my DNS to point to xxx.xxx.xxx.B.

Bernard Higonnet

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