I wonderd about how dovecot would deside, which "args" belongs to wich
"driver" line. So looked over

Possibly you should write something like:

passdb {
  args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
  driver = sql

passdb {
   driver = passwd-file
   args = scheme=cram-md5 /etc/dovecot/cram-md5.pwd


Am 23.02.2017 um 10:30 schrieb Poliman - Serwis:
> You have right, I added 'noplaintext'. But main thing what I want to get -
> no cram-md5 in dovecot and ability to send emails. All worked fine until I
> set in dovecot.conf:
> auth_mechanisms = plain login cram-md5
> passdb {
>   #args = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf
>   #driver = sql
>    driver = passwd-file
>    args = scheme=cram-md5 /etc/dovecot/cram-md5.pwd
> }

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