On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 08:56:20AM +0000, Doug wrote:

> >  >      $ postconf -d mail_version
> >  >  
> >  > Yes, 3.1.0, thank you. 
> >  
> >  Cool.  I would expect that this likely contains backports of later
> >  patches, but unfortunately the Linux distros tend to avoid backporting
> >  upstream version number updates, so it is difficult to tell whether you
> >  have all the fixes from 3.1.0 to 3.1.4, but it is quite possible that
> >  you do.
> [] Yeah, there are a lot of things I like about the way debian and its
> derivatives handle packaging, but this not one of them. :-/

Turns out (per Scott Kitterman that Ubuntu may not in general
backport fixes from Postfix patch releases.  That's a shame.
Relevant post-release updates include:
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 2.6): the Milter SMFIR_CHGFROM
                (replace sender) request lost the sender_bcc_maps address.
                Fixed by moving some record keeping to the sender output
                function.  Files: cleanup/cleanup_envelope.c,
                cleanup/cleanup_addr.c, cleanup/cleanup_milter.c,
                cleanup/cleanup.h, regression tests.
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 2.6): the "bad filetype"
                header_checks pattern falsely rejected Content-Mumble headers
                with ``name="example"; x-apple-part-url="example.com"''.
                Fixed by respecting the ";" separator between content
                attribute values.  Reported by Cedric Knight.  File:
                Bugfix (introduced: 20091121): with the introduction of
                sender_dependent_default_transport_maps, the SMTP daemon
                was not updated. This resulted in false rejects with
                sender-dependent "error" transports. Based on a fix by
                Russell Yanofsky.  Files: global/resolve_clnt.c,
                global/resolve_clnt.h, smtpd/smtpd_check.c, smtpd/smtpd_check.h,
                smtpd/smtpd_milter.c, smtpd/smtpd_resolve.c, 
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 1.1): the virtual(8) delivery
                agent discarded the error result from vstream_fseek().
                File: virtual/mailbox.c.
                Bugfix (introduced: 20090614): with concurrent connections
                from the same client IP address, and after-220 tests enabled,
                postscreen could overwrite the cached "all tests completed"
                result of one connection that completed the after-220 tests,
                with the "some tests not completed" result of a concurrent
                connection where the client hung up later, without completing
                the after-220 tests.
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 3.0): the tls_session_ticket_cipher
                documentation says aes-256-cbc, but the implementation was
                using aes-128-cbc (note that Postfix session ticket keys
                are rotated after 1/2 hour, to limit the impact of attacks
                on session ticket keys).
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 3.0): the SMTP daemon did not
                reset a previous session's command counts before rejecting
                a client that exceeds request or concurrency rates. File:
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 3.0): the unionmap did not
                propagate table lookup errors.  Based on patch by Roel van
                Meer.  Files: util/dict_union.c, util/dict_union_test.*.
                Workaround (problem introduced: Postfix 2.11): to avoid
                false "not found" errors with MySQL map queries that contain
                UTF8-encoded text, specify "option_group = client" in Postfix
                MySQL configuration files.  This will be the default setting
                with Postfix 3.2 and later.
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 1.1): the postsuper command did
                not count a successful rename operation after error recovery.
                Problem reported by Markus Schönhaber. File: 
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 3.1): cut-and-paste error in
                the "postfix tls deploy-server-cert" command, causing the
                wrong certfile and keyfile to be used. Viktor Dukhovni.
                File: conf/postfix-tls-script.
                Robustness: create a new keyfile when "postfix tls
                new-server-cert" is invoked and main.cf specifies a
                non-existent keyfile. Viktor Dukhovni.  File:
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 3.0): when receiving a MAIL
                FROM...SMTPUTF8 command while smtpd_delay_reject=no, enable
                SMTPUTF8 support before processing smtpd_sender_restrictions.
                Problem reported by Viktor Dukhovni. File: smtpd/smtpd.c.
                Bugfix (introduced: Postfix 2.1.0): the Postfix SMTP daemon
                did not query sender_canonical_maps when rejecting unknown
                senders with "smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes" or
                with reject_unlisted_sender.  Stephen R. van den Berg (Mr.
                procmail).  Files: smtpd/smtpd.c, smtpd/smtpd_check.c.

> >  The important thing to understand here is the difference between the
> >  "local", "virtual alias" and "virtual mailbox" address classes, as
> >  explained in ADDRESS_CLASS_README.
> Yeah, I think it's coming clear. I read through that tonight, need to
> read some more to digest better.  I see (or think I see) how the
> virtual_alias_domains and virtual_alias_maps would work to do the same
> thing I'm doing now.

Indeed, all my domains are virtual alias domains, whose valid
recipients are rewritten to the synthetic virtual mailbox domain
"virtual.invalid", which is delivered to Dovecot.  I don't use
local(8) for delivery, but it would be useful if I had to support
mailing lists, vacation, ...  That can always be added by rewriting
addresses to a "local.invalid" domain, and delivering only that
domain locally.

        indexed = ${default_database_type}:${config_directory}/
        transport_maps = ${indexed}transport

        # All real domains are virtual alias domains
        virtual_alias_domains = ${indexed}vdomains
        virtual_alias_maps = ${indexed}valiases

        # No real virtual mailbox domains, but virtual mailbox
        # delivery still happens via rewrites into "virtual.invalid"
        # and the aid of a transport table entry.
        virtual_mailbox_domains =

        # Mailbox storage configuration for virtual(8), not needed when
        # delivery is to Dovecot via LMTP.  See also message_size_limit
        virtual_mailbox_limit = 209715200
        virtual_mailbox_maps = ${indexed}vmbox
        virtual_mailbox_base = /var/spool/virtual
        # When using the built-in virtual(8) delivery agent, these need
        # to match the uid/gid used by Dovecot to manage maildirs
        virtual_uid_maps = static:500
        virtual_gid_maps = static:500

        # No real local domains, but local(8) delivery still happens via
        # rewrites into "local.invalid" and the aid of a transport table
        # entry
        mydestination =
        local_transport = error:5.1.2 Mailbox unavailable
        local_recipient_maps = 
        alias_database = ${indexed}aliases
        alias_maps = $alias_database

        # Postfix built-in virtual(8) delivery
        virtual.invalid         virtual
        local.invalid           local

        example.org     virtual alias domain
        example.net     virtual alias domain

        us...@example.org       user1@virtual.invalid
        us...@example.net       user2@virtual.invalid
        somel...@example.org    somelist@local.invalid
        # virtual alias mapping is recursive
        twous...@example.org    us...@example.org, us...@example.net
        postmas...@example.org  us...@example.org
        postmas...@example.net  us...@example.net

        user1@virtual.invalid   user1/
        user2@virtual.invalid   user2/

        owner-somelist: us...@example.org
        somelist: :include:/some/user/listfile

>     - Domains listed in virtual_alias_domains are exclusively 
>       designated as holding only aliases to other real domains. Don't
>       make the mistake of assuming that a domain must   be listed here
>       in order for virtual_alias_maps to happen.
> [] Ok, I'll bite .... what makes virtual_alias_maps happen? 

The use of virtual alias maps happens for all recipients, as part
of mail entering the queue via cleanup(8).  Not dependent on the
address class.  It is possible to disable this (with care) via
receive_overrride_options, either before or after a content_filter.
See FILTER_README for details.

> >  So Dovecot has no idea how to deliver <u...@dougbarton.us>, if
> >  that's the correct mailbox address, then your problem is with
> >  Dovecot
> After a lot more testing tonight that was the problem. Short version
> is (as I understand it) that lmtp expects a full address (u...@domain.tld),
> which is what postfix is feeding it.


> The problem is then getting dovecot to understand what to do with that
> fully qualified user once it gets it.  For my case, since the 'user' that
> postfix is mapping to is the same as the local Unix user I want it delivered
> to, the answer is to put this in dovecot.conf: auth_username_format=%n

Or similar, yes.  I have:

    userdb {
        args = uid=500 gid=500 home=/var/spool/virtual 
        driver = static

> Ok, I think I'm getting it now. Once I solve the lmtp problem I will
> tackle making this stuff more rational. It sounds like my plan is to do
> the following:
> 1. Keep all the domains in mydestination since I want them all locally 
> delivered.

Not required, see above.  Postfix has a notion of "final" domains,
which subsumes "virtual alias", "virtual mailbox" and "local"
domains.  You can use any combination of these for "locally delivered"
mail.  I tend to keep mydestination empty.   See also the null-client

> 2. s/virtual_maps/virtual_alias_maps/
> 3. virtual_alias_domains=

Yes, or, if you prefer, make *all* the "real" domains virtual alias,
and use synthetic domains for delivery.  See above.

One disadvantage (or advantage if you like that) of mydestination,
is that the namespace of users (presumed local unix accounts) is
the same in all domains listed in mydestination.  So if you have
example.com and example.net both in mydestination, and user "bob"
has a "b...@example.com" email address, then necessarily "b...@example.net"
is also bob's address.

With virtual alias or virtual mailbox domains each domain's namespace
is independent.

> Does that sound about right? I'm not brave enough to do that now since I
> need sleep, but I will give it a try tomorrow when I can watch the logs
> in the background.

Sounds reasonable to me.


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