On 30/03/2017 23:19, Fazzina, Angelo wrote:

If I setup DKIM, it is to be used by whom ?

Is it for anyone including my own domain, when an @uconn.edu email is
received, it is to be checked ?

A.      Does my DKIM entry in DNS help with sending from
x...@example.com<mailto:x...@example.com> to

B.      Does my DKIM entry in DNS help with sending from

C.      Does my DKIM entry in DNS help with sending from
x...@uconn.edu<mailto:x...@uconn.edu>to y...@uconn.edu<mailto:y...@uconn.edu>?

In ā€œCā€ I am thinking emails from staff to student and vice versa. Staff
on O365 and students on Google Apps.

Both cloud solutions.

*Student to staff*would go  google ->  to my MX record which is spam
appliance -> postfix box -> O365 servers

*Staff to Student* would go O365 -> to my MX record which is spam
appliance -> postfix box  -> Google servers

Not sure about your case. I will share my case.

my domain mindmedia.com.sg has a dns entry like so.

;default._domainkey.mindmedia.com.sg. IN        TXT

default._domainkey.mindmedia.com.sg. 3600 IN TXT "v=DKIM1; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC/XW/fnNOu4RjJhtQGT2OfSyw5VtjqMPco1Sf9XlYMVi9dFBrPIJR6+Hmu93SOLQQvUdVIqG8PZuAG177Ke2+ZKxwEFZycuC6xey5MxLGKaVD9GuQPAeHpzRg9NQmz9qjnRkd315CgKUxqMx7pg6dcDsE2tqnU+FGxx65EAsczUQIDAQAB"

In the my email server that host emails for mindmedia.com.sg has a DKIM Private-key.

Everytime I send email using smtp through my server that is hosting my emails, an application linked with postfix, will sign my every email using the mindmedia.com.sg's DKIM Private-key.

The receiving party's smtp server will check the dkim signature header in the email with the one in the txt dns entry of default._domainkey.mindmedia.com.sg.

If it verify, then dkim has passed.

This is my understanding.

I hope this helps.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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