On Wed, May 10, 2017 00:48, Doug Hardie wrote:
> I have a situation that is most likely a problem with my understanding
> of postfix and not a code problem.  I am getting ready to take over a
> domain name for mail service.  A number of new addresses in that
> domain need to be forwarded to other mail servers.  I setup postfix to
> do that and it worked fine.  However, there is still some time before
> I actually take over the domain.  In the meantime I was entering some
> of the addresses and forwarding addresses into the vmail alias file.
> Each entry was preceded by "# ".  My understanding was that lines
> starting with a # would be ignored.  I did not bother to run postmap
> as it would do nothing useful.
> Several hours later I noticed that no outgoing mail was going out.
> Everything was receiving an error in maillog:

If the source file has an mtime later than the resulting map file then
postfix will treat this as an error condition. At least this is my
experience so far.  If you check your maillog file you will find
entries if this is the case.  Further, if you rebuild a mapfile then
you must reload postfix for it to recognize the changes contained

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James B. Byrne                mailto:byrn...@harte-lyne.ca
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