On 11/06/17 19:01, Dominic Raferd wrote:
> I certainly assumed the same when designing my system, which takes a
> range of measures to minimise such emails - both spam/virus blocking of
> its own, and reacting swiftly to any messages received back from Gmail.

The thing you need to be aware of is that it is impossible for you to
actually stop all mail that google might consider SPAM.  Even if you run
really strict SPAM filtering and you can find everything that google's
own filters would find, there is still the issue of the "Spam" button in
gmail.  What can happen is a user may recognize a message that slipped
past your filters as SPAM and flag it, and then google would assume that
you're the source.  An end user might flag legitimate ham as spam by
accident and they don't think much of it.  Heck there are even users out
there that use the Spam button as a "delete" button!

So at the end of the day, it doesn't matter how aggressive you are,
there is at least some chance that google will flag your server as a
source of SPAM.


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