On Thu, Jul 06, 2017 at 03:01:22PM +0200, Poliman - Serwis wrote:
> I am looking for some plugin which is similar to smtp-limiter
> which is for DirectAdmin. It would be nice if there would be any.

What does that plugin do?  What is the actual problem you're trying 
to solve?

BTW, this is not the place for ISPConfig support.  If you're using 
Postfix through some kind of management frontend, you need to use 
support offerings of that company or their user community.

> If not, is there any similar plugin which can be manage by the 
> linux console?

I'm going to guess that the real problem might be spam sent by 
authenticated users' malware.  You can mitigate that with content 
filtering on submission mail, specifically with URIBL lookups, 
because practically all of this malware will be spewing references to 
URIBL-listed web sites.

Also, a policy service such as postfwd[1] or cbpolicyd[2] can be 
deployed to limit users' sending.  Generally this kind of malware 
exceeds a human user's ability to send mail.

[1] http://postfwd.org/ratelimits.html
[2] https://wiki.policyd.org/quotas
  Offlist GMX mail is seen only if "/dev/rob0" is in the Subject:

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