On 10/26/2017 03:36 PM, Ralph Seichter wrote:
> On 26.10.17 23:29, cac...@quantum-equities.com wrote:
>> it appears to me that Postfix has evolved organically (Read:
>> disorganized) as have many legacy applications like Apache used to be.
>> The documentation you refer to is there alright, but it's all about
>> bit-twiddling, nothing about concepts and methodologies.
> Postfix ranks among the most structured and easy-to-use software
> packages I have worked with during the last three decades, seeing how
> complex the underlying issues are. The docs do contain "concepts and
> methodologies", but anyone who wants to maintain a production level mail
> server needs a thorough understanding about how email works (including
> how DNS works). It is not Postfix' job to teach fundamentals. You have
> also received a lot of useful information via this mailing list, and
> people here usually get more mileage out less info given.
> Frankly, Postfix is not the problem.
> -Ralph

I ... know people here have alot invested in Postfix.

Listen, to make things easier for you guys in the future, recommend to
people like me, Modoboa <https://modoboa.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>.

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