I had successfully used postfix for years and now I am trying to recreate
postfix clusters in docker and in particular interested in how I can direct
all postfix logs from a container to other places.

I do not find in postfix configuration how one can achieve this without any
local syslog daemon.  Can someone please confirm that it's not possible to
capture postfix logs without the assistance of any local syslog daemon?
If so, can I put a feature request to be able to adjust which syslog server
postfix logs to as well as ability for postfix to log to stdout/stderr.
the spirit of the docker container is that one is supposed to have only one
software running in it and it will be nice if we do not have to maintain
any syslog instance in the container.  My plan is to run syslog in another
container and have postfix send all logs there.
mr wu

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