
>> On a related question, how can we limit the number of recipients
>> addressed in any one inbound email? What does the sender receive when
>> that limit is reached? Will this cause problems with legitimate mail?
>> The problem we're trying to solve is primarily disgruntled employees
>> retaliating via email and sending business-related information to all
>> employees. Obviously this is not a perfect solution, but one we hope
>> will deter the most egregious offenders. We also can't really restrict
>> it via our spam measures because the body contents are directly
>> business related. Of course we'd also like any of the anti-spam abuse
>> protections from this as well.
> If your intention is to reject mail with excess recipients, use a
> policy service in smtpd_data_restrictions. The policy service has a
> recipient_count attribute.
> http://www.postfix.org/SMTPD_POLICY_README.html
> http://postfwd.org/

I've downloaded postfwd and have read through the manual and sample config.

Can you help me develop a rule that will just log all requests for the
submission service that includes the IP, time/date and sasl username?

I don't understand which of the ITEMs to pick, and I'm assuming action
would just be DUNNO?

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