On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 08:38:34AM +0200, Lorenzo Petracchi wrote:
> In the last few weeks our e-mail users are receiving many messages with
> their own address as From header.
> I understand that there are many legitimate reasons why the From header is
> free but I would like to understand if it is possible and if it makes sense
> to reject incoming mail that contains addresses in the form
> al...@mydomain.it in the header field when the sender is not an our SASL
> authenticated SMTP sender or when they do but does not own that address.
>    Lorenzo

This is basically what SPF is good for. I set up my mail server to
reject SPF failures on domains that I control, since I know that my
servers are the only ones authorized to send mail from those domains. I
used to get quite a bit of From: fakename@my.domain spam, and SPF
enforcement put a quick end to that.


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