> On 20 April 2018, at 01:30, Karel <postfix-us...@vcomp.ch> wrote:
> Hello,
> is it legitimate to use "To: undisclosed-recipients", or is to only
> (mainly) used by spammers ?
> Seems to me, if I get an email, I should also know who else was the
> email sent to.
> Its like having a conference call and you don't know who's participating.
> If I wanted to block emails without any recipient, what would be the
> best way to do it ?

One good use of that is to prevent spam.  If you are sending an email to a 
number of people (announcements etc.) then the normal response is for people to 
reply-all.  That spams a lot of people who don't want to see those, or don't 
want their email address published.  By using BCCs, you avoid both issues.

-- Doug

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