Hi, I took a quick look,

I did not see which version of Postfix this was based on, you may want to 
mention it as some settings require a minimum Postfix version to be running. As 
well as some command examples you gave have minimum versions needed to work.

I am no expert but I get lots of legit email from servers with no RDNS so this 
may be too strong a setting ??
smtpd_client_restrictions =

The purpose of this section seems to be a bad idea ?
Removing Telltale Headers

How do you troubleshoot delivery or other problems without logs to show what 
postfix decided to do about an email ?

Finally you mention "Nextcloud" I did not google it so I do not know what it 
is, if you are talking about Postfix you should stick to generic topics without 
specifying specific brands of products so a larger audience knows what you are 
talking about.  IMHO.
For example your user repository could be a Directory, database, or files. It 
may not help to mention specific products that implement those repositories ?

Thank you.


ITS Service Manager:
Spam and Virus Prevention
Mass Mailing
G Suite/Gmail

University of Connecticut,  ITS, SSG, Server Systems

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org <owner-postfix-us...@postfix.org> On 
Behalf Of da-postfixusers...@abelonline.de
Sent: Friday, June 15, 2018 7:52 PM
To: Postfix users <postfix-users@postfix.org>
Subject: Feedback on Tutorial

Hello Postfix users,

I made a relatively comprehensive tutorial[1] on how to set up a mail server 
(Postfix, Dovecot, Rspamd,..) and integrate it with Nextcloud. My goal was to 
create a all-in-one, step-by-step tutorial from beginning to end.

I partly used other tutorials as a basis, but also did a lot of research and 
e.g. used much stricter smtpd_*_restrictions than I have seen anywhere else.

It's a hobby project, I am not a full-time mail admin, so probably not useful 
for large companies.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback and hints on possible errors or 

A direct link to the Postfix section: 

Thank You



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