On 29 Sep 2018, at 21:01, Chris Walker wrote:


I'm wondering if anyone here can help me with a problem that I'm having.
I've run into an issue where I cannot enable SASL authentication.

My configuration is as follows:
  * Slackware 64-bit 14.2
  * cyrus-sasl 2.1.26 (recompiled with LDAP support)
  * postfix 3.3.1 (with LDAP support and cyrus-sasl support)

My main.cf contains:
  cyrus_sasl_config_path = /etc/sasl2
  smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes

postconf -d produces:

The default settings for postfix, not the configured settings. Try 'man postconf' for details...

  cyrus_sasl_config_path =
  smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no

Like that.

Has anyone run into this? If so, how did you fix this? Is this a known

Looks fine to me...

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