Hi Andreas,

i really like postscreen. There are quite some nice tricks buikd in so
thanks again for pushing me in this direction.

i just bundled it now with clamav-milter so the expensive checks are only
triggered when a client survives postscreen and all my additional
sender/recipient checks and finally a recipient verification.

i'm happy now - looks like a sane setup. Cant wait to see first spammers ;)


Am Freitag, 19. Oktober 2018 schrieb Andreas Schamanek :
> On Fri, 19 Oct 2018, at 10:57, Olivier wrote:
>> So, rejecting spam during smtp-dialog is risky, that is why most resolve
to some sort of quarantine, and that is when amavis comes handy.
> I agree with the 1st part but that's why I ditched Amavis! If your mail
delivery setup includes anything anywhere that can call your spam filter
you may not need Amavis. In my case I happen to have Procmail anyway. The
filter of my choice is SpamAssassin. So, no need for anything in between.
> My recommendation is to use Postfix with postscreen including a
reasonable set of dnsbls, plus a spam filter as far as possible at the end
of the processing chain so that it gets called only on mail that is neither
clearly ham nor spam.
> Postscreen alone allowed me to ditch ClamAV. After evaluating logs of 1
year the hit rate was about 1 of 2k messages of which 100% were flagged by
SpamAssassin. Hit rate increased somewhat with the use of third-party
signatures, but these detected pratically only scams and phishing attempts
which IMHO need to be distinguished from the classical type of viruses.
Indeed, they also caused a number of false positives.
> Again, note that my findings are based on the fact that Postfix with
postscreen itself blocks the by far largest part of malicious mail.
> Of course, YMMV,
> --
> -- Andreas
>     :-)

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