>>>>> "Chad" == Chad M Stewart <c...@balius.com> writes:

Chad> I want to setup a method by which only senders which are in a defined 
Chad> list can send a message to a given recipient.

External or internal recipient?  And wouldn't the simplest method just
be a procmail or sieve filter on the receivers end?  

Chad> Something like the following (in pseudo code)

Chad> accept if sender <allowed_senders>  and recipient <protected_mailboxes>

Chad> The idea being that each recipient will have their own whitelist, and 
Chad> only messages from those addresses on the whitelist will be approved.  I 
Chad> get how to generate each list of addresses, what I'm missing is how I 
Chad> combine them into a accept if statement, if you will.  Doable?  How?

Chad> Thank you,

Chad> Chad

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