On 19 Nov 2018, at 5:24, Poliman - Serwis wrote:

Hello. I saw in logs that some non existent mailbox from client domain
hosted on google tries send some mail to existing mailbox in this same
domain. Non existent mailbox is used from IP's:
and both are blacklisted.
I need to block these IP addresses in Postfix and also I would like to add
more blacklists to Postfix.

The most absolute and direct way to block specific IP addresses in Postfix is (if you are using postscreen) via postscreen_access_list:

  postscreen_access_list = cidr:/etc/postfix/postscreen-access
  postscreen_blacklist_action = enforce

postscreen-access:  REJECT  REJECT

(Although I'd personally reject all of, as I've seen no evidence of that network operator generating anything but malicious traffic.)

If you're using an antique version of Postfix or don't have postscreen enabled, you can instead do this:

smtpd_client_restrictions = [...], check_client_access=cidr/etc/postfix/ip-access, [...]

/etc/postfix/ip-access:  REJECT  REJECT

Note that the "smtpd_client_restrictions" restriction list probably will include other directives and that the order of directives in a restriction list determines which ones actually act: a "PERMIT" or "REJECT" from any directive causes Postfix to skip the rest of that list and "REJECT" causes it to skip the logically subsequent restriction lists.

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