> On Jan 4, 2019, at 10:04 AM, Christopher R. Gabriel 
> <christopher.gabr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Or some tables you're using in cleanup are slow. 
> I only have a header_checks table with 1 single rule to log a specific
> header, and a transport map redis-based. Exactly the same configuration
> I have on postfix 2.x.

Cleanup does perform transport lookups.  Is redis performing well?

>> The verbose logging does not help, it puts pressure on the
>> filesystem...
> I've enable the verbose logging only for debug pourposes, I find the
> same behaviour even with logging disabled.

Well, since cleanup is slow, move the verbose logging to cleanup if
you can't determine why cleanup is blocked more directly.

Cleanup performs transport lookups, canonical and virtual rewriting,
header/body checks, writes and syncs the message to disk, and
sends a 1-byte notice to the queue manager socket.  With inflow_delay
it also waits that long to receive a token from the queue manager.

One of these things is slow.


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