>>>>> "Alice" == Alice Wonder <al...@domblogger.net> writes:

Alice> On 2/7/19 2:52 PM, Bill Cole wrote:
Alice> *snip*
>> But your core point is valid: mailing from an AWS instance (or from 
>> anywhere on an IP with a programmatically derived PTR) in general is 
>> going to work poorly. There is too little accountability for abuse from 
>> the AWS IP pool for it to merit a default level of trust.

Alice> Even with a proper reverse DNS if you use a VPS hosting service
Alice> you have to deal with being blacklisted. Doesn't matter how
Alice> long you have has the IP either.

Amen!  I'm in this boat right now, where Charter Spectrum in the US is
blocking all Digital Ocean subnet blocks.  Jerks. 

Alice> Someone spins up a VPS on same subnet and starts spamming and
Alice> the entire subnet gets put on the blacklist because of showshoe
Alice> spammers.

Or worse... *some* lazy companies just block entire blocks of

Alice> What you can do if you don't have the cash to buy your own
Alice> subnet and use a VPS service, get three of them at different
Alice> hosting locations and when one gets blacklisted, forward to one
Alice> of the others to relay until you are removed from the blacklist
Alice> (usually takes 24 hours because of cached DNS results)

I'm starting to think I need to do this, but that would triple monthly

What I'm working on now is to just relay all email for @charter.net
(and some other domains they run) via my charter.net account, since I
use the jerks for my only possible internet at home.


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