Gary> What ISP specifically bans Digital Ocean? 


Gary> What you need is some other email account, say proton, to start
Gary> the dialog with the ISP that bans your Digital Ocean account. Or
Gary> you look for some online form or forum. I had this problem with
Gary> SBC (AT&T) and eventually got whitelisted by IP address. I moved
Gary> the droplet once and had to get whitelisted again.

They ban-hammered the entire DO IP block from what I've heard.  

Gary> I do email all the time with users on Comcast, Cox, and
Gary> Google. I have SPF and DKIM, so I am very traceable. It is
Gary> important not to look like a spammer.

Exactly!  I have SPF setup, but not DKIM yet.

Gary> I can say with 100% foot stomping fist pounding on the table
Gary> certainty that using hosted services is far worse than a
Gary> VPS. You share your IP with enough accounts that eventually one
Gary> will get you on a banned list.

I'm on a VPS with a dedicated IP address assigned to my domain

Gary> If you want to spend some money, Google can host email using
Gary> your domain. If you don't have a lot of users, it isn't that
Gary> expensive. Something like $5 per user. The service is poorly
Gary> named. Something like Google Apps.

That's an option, but not what I want to do since I like full control
of my email and domain. 

Gary> Fast Mail has some forwarding service, but you will fail SPF. I
Gary> have to white users of their service.

I'm looking at Vultr VPS now as a test.  
Gary>   Original Message  
Gary> From:
Gary> Sent: February 21, 2019 6:08 AM
Gary> To:
Gary> Cc:
Gary> Subject: Re: How to protect against compromised email account password

>>>>> "Gary" == Gary  <> writes:

Gary> Number 4 is immensely useful. When I had a hosted service, I got hacked 
from someone in Morocco via a Round Cube exploit that wasn't patched. (My 
PayPal account subsequently hacked, though I had the account suspended.) 
Gary> I saw two problems. One, I only use mail clients. Browsers leak. Two, I 
don't even have a passport, so sending mail from foreign countries isn't 
something I need. My hosting provider was having none of my ideas of 
restricting access, so I got a cloud account and did my own hosting. 

Gary> I use the firewall to block all email ports except 25 from foreign 
countries. In addition, I block datacenters except my own IPs. Ip2location can 
provide a country by county list of the IP space for free. 

Gary> As a Digital Ocean customer, I know I'm am hanging out with a
Gary> small but active number of lowlifes. That is the nature of a
Gary> business model where you pay for a server and you can do
Gary> whatever you want until you get caught.

Gary> Unfortunately, some big ISPs have now blocked all Digital Ocean IP
Gary> Blocks, and wont' accept email, even though my domain is locked down,
Gary> doesn't spam, etc.  They took the big hammer approach.  Which sucks
Gary> for me.

Gary> So the question becomes how do I setup a reasonably cost effective
Gary> personal email domain without it getting banned?  

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