On 18/03/19 09:27, Michael wrote:
this helps only sometimes , having SPF, DKIM, DMARC and Reverse DNS
are is a must have these days....

I agree only partially, my experiences sorted by relevance:

1. Reverse DNS: no chance without 2. SPF: increases propability to
get Mails delivered

I up to now don't use neither DKIM nor DMARC, and I'm getting all my
mails delivered. Execept the hotmail issue above. So IMHO "a must" is
to rigid.

The main reason to set up DKIM and DMARC is to tick their boxes so that when you try to contact them to fix it you can rightfully say that you've followed all their recommended practices. DKIM requires a milter to sign your messages (usually opendkim) but DMARC is quite easy and only requires that you add a DNS record. I generally use this:

_dmarc.example.com. TXT "v=DMARC1;p=none;adkim=r;aspf=r;pct=0"

... it basically just says not to enforce any DMARC policies, it satisfies ESPs recommendation for setting DMARC but otherwise does nothing.

Also you should sign up for dnswl.org which is free to do and has been known to help sometimes.


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