On October 10, 2019 3:54:50 PM GMT+02:00, "Tobias Köck" <tko...@imap.a2gb.de> 
>I have a Postfix set up to relay the messages to an Exchange server.
>It declines the mails with
>for '0.00:00:05' due to '550 5.7.61 SMTP; Anonymous client does not
>permissions to send as this sender',
>It works manually with telnet mail.someurl.de.
Did you test it from your postfix relay or from a different IP?
>I suspect it is because Postfix send in the Envelope address for some 
>reason the SIZE=423 with it
>MAIL FROM:<tko...@someurl.de> SIZE=434,
>How can I disable the sending of the SIZE parameter?

Christian Kivalo

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