I am trying to get rid of the amount of background

I was pretty sure that OPenDKIM should be doing the hard lifting.    The think 
that is throwing me for a loop  is the absence of any indication of it 
operating in conjunction with the outgoing mail in the mallow.  As show else 
where it is involved with INCOMING.

I have verified that ts process is running

opendkim 50261   0.0  0.1  25164  13000  -  Ss   10:45       0:00.23 
/usr/local/sbin/opendkim -l -p inet:8891@localhost -u opendkim:mailnull -P 

Last week I had it running.  I had an issue with BIND which I corrected.. so I 
am 80% sure about the associated tables.

I was kind of hoping it was something simple and obvious.  So much for that idea

Thanks to all for the their time and efforts

> On Oct 25, 2019, at 2:55 PM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Jason Hirsh:
>> I have gone over my configuration with a fine tooth comb, but considering I 
>> put them together it is not surprising I can?t spot anything
>> O have been trying to locate opendkim action in my log file.  It appears 
>> that that the  mail is being reviewed but now header added
> I'm not encouraging you to post more logging here, but you might
> want to know that Milter content operations do not happen in smtpd,
> but in the cleanup daemon.
> However, the real work happens in OpenDKIM. Postfix just sits between
> the queue file and OpenDKIM, moving bits fro one to the other and
> vice versa.
>       Wietse

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