> On Apr 13, 2020, at 6:38 AM, Christian <list-christ...@web.de> wrote:
> Nevertheless, it should probably be included in the Postfix DANE
> documentation to avoid muslc setups with postfix for now.

Postfix expects a C-library implementation of the DNS stub resolver
routines that is compatible with the original BSD design.

It don't think it is reasonable to curate a list of defective
C-library resolver implementations.

Unless Wietse some day throws in the towel and makes libunbound
or libldns a required dependency for Postfix, we're stuck with
the traditional libresolv interface, and it needs to have a
reasonably complete implementation on your system.

As I already mentioned, even without DANE, musl-libc already
fails to provide adequate controls to disable the search

DO NOT run Postfix over musl-libc.


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