On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 12:05:24PM -0700, Alexander Vasarab wrote:

> On 13/05/20 13:56 -0400, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> >If you're willing to rebuild Postfix from source, then I can provide
> >a patch that would log more details.
> Yes, absolutely willing. Thank you.

Try the below.  Note, if build as below, it will not replace your system
Postfix, all the installation paths (including the queue directory)
will be under /opt/postfix, you can then update /opt/postfix/etc/master.cf
to spin up an SMTP listener on just a non-conflicting port (comment out
port 25) and run both the system Postfix for real mail, and this one for

    : Adjust CCARGS and AUXLIBS as needed
    $ git clone -b tls-debug https://github.com/vdukhovni/postfix.git
    $ cd postfix/postfix
    $ make -f Makefile.init \
        'AUXLIBS= -lssl -lcrypto -ldb' \
        'AUXLIBS_PCRE=-lpcre' \
        'AUXLIBS_CDB=-lcdb' \
        'dynamicmaps=yes' \
        command_directory=/opt/postfix/sbin                 \
        config_directory=/opt/postfix/etc                   \
        daemon_directory=/opt/postfix/libexec               \
        data_directory=/opt/postfix/data                    \
        mailq_path=/opt/postfix/sbin/mailq                  \
        newaliases_path=/opt/postfix/sbin/newaliases        \
        queue_directory=/opt/postfix/spool                  \
        sendmail_path=/opt/postfix/sbin/sendmail            \
        shlib_directory=/opt/postfix/lib/MAIL_VERSION       \
        html_directory=/opt/postfix/html                    \
        manpage_directory=/opt/postfix/man                  \
        readme_directory=/opt/postfix/readme                \
    $ make
    $ su
    # PATH=/opt/postfix/sbin:$PATH
    # make upgrade
    # postconf -MX smtp/inet
    # postconf -e 'smtpd_tls_loglevel = summary,io'
               -e 'smtpd_tls_security_level = may'
    ... add submission clone service on some new port
    ... in /opt/postfix/etc/master.cf
    ... configure certificates, etc.
    # postfix start

Don't confuse the two Postfix installations, make sure your
PATH is set correctly to list /opt/postfix/sbin first if
and only if managing the debug install in /opt/postfix.


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