On Wed, May 27, 2020 at 12:52:00PM +0000, Laura Smith wrote:

> Is it somehow possilble to make use of discard(8) to /dev/null certain
> addresses in a virtual mailbox setup (e.g. virtual_alias_maps etc.) ? 
> Or can discard(8) only be applied to "real" receipients

Yes, the transport table applies to all recipients except (IIRC)
*virtual alias* recipients that fail to be rewritten to a real

        disc...@example.com     discard:silently

This works for local, virtual mailbox, relay and even remote recipients,
but (again IIRC) not virtual alias recipients (rejected for lack of
rewrite to a real address prior to transport lookup).

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 11:31:00AM +0200, Ansgar Wiechers wrote:

> You can define a virtual alias for a local "mailbox" /dev/null. Virtual
> aliases work for both virtual domains and virtual mailbox domains.
> ----8<----
> # /etc/postfix/virtual
> ...
> discardt...@example.org  tr...@example.com

This is unnecessarily complex, and assumes that the transport
for example.com is local(8).


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