Dnia  6.06.2020 o godz. 13:27:43 yuv pisze:
> On Sat, 2020-06-06 at 19:12 +0200, Jaroslaw Rafa wrote:
> > Black color is culturally associated with the devil (and also death),
> > and white with an angel (innocence, etc.)
> in your culture.  have you tried checking other cultures?

Well, I guess most of us here belong to the same culture. The one which
originated in ancient Greece, and then through incorporation of Roman
culture and christianity spread across the Europe and got exported to
America. :)

That is where our roots (that is, most of us here on this list) are. That is
where the cultural associations of colors like black and white come from.

I'm pretty sure that by "other cultures" you do not mean culture of native
Americans, Australian Aborigines, nor even Chinese or Japanese culture ;). 
I'm also pretty sure those cultures are *not* the reason why someone wants
to change various names to avoid words like "black" and "white".

The one and only thing is that reason: political situation in the USA.
Pretty bold to think that one country's circumstances should decide for the
whole world, or even for the whole Greco-Roman part of the world, eh?

That's a real attempt at cultural domination :)
   Jaroslaw Rafa
"In a million years, when kids go to school, they're gonna know: once there
was a Hushpuppy, and she lived with her daddy in the Bathtub."

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