On 2020-07-13 00:10, Greg Sims wrote:
Thank you Christian.  I am running on CentOS 8.2 and the name of the
service is "postfix.service".  When I enter:

journalctl -u postfix.service --since="2020-07-12 03:06:00"
--until="2020-07-12 03:11:00"
 I see all of the missing data that should be in /var/log/maillog --
almost 50,000 records.  You discovered a way to gain access to the
missing data!

The big question for me continues to be, why did this data not make it
to /var/log/maillog?
You'd have to find out how your syslog daemon get the messages from the systemd journal. What syslog daemon do you have installed? Be aware that systemd journal has some rate limits which can lead to loss of log messages, see the man 5 journald.conf

I found this https://serverfault.com/questions/959982/is-rsyslog-redundant-on-when-using-journald which covers rsyslog on centos 7. There is an import module for systemd journal.

On my server rsyslog is configured to create a log socket at /var/spool/postfix/dev/log and ignore systemd journal and that works well for my use case.

Greg Sims

On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 2:40 PM Christian Kivalo
<ml+postfix-us...@valo.at> wrote:

On 2020-07-12 23:01, Greg Sims wrote:
Nothing Christian:

[root@mail0 postfix]# journalctl -u postfix@-.service
--since="2020-07-12 03:06:00" --until="2020-07-12 03:11:00"
-- Logs begin at Sat 2020-07-11 09:35:28 CDT, end at Sun
15:50:00 CDT. --
-- No entries --
Maybe your systemd unit is named slightly different as in debian,
postfix@-.service is what tab completion makes for me...

Is there anything in journalctl? What does systemctl status postfix

You can have postfix log to a file as described in
http://www.postfix.org/MAILLOG_README.html first and then fix your

Christian Kivalo

 Christian Kivalo

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