> On 23 September 2020, at 22:32, Bob Proulx <b...@proulx.com> wrote:
> John Stoffel wrote:
>> Bob> What's the best configuration for a web server that does not
>> Bob> receive mail but needs to send mail?  Password resets.  Bug
>> Bob> ticket update notifications.  That type of email.
>> I would push all the email to the mailserver for the domain served by
>> that web server and let it deal with this issue.  Make the client (web
>> server) only send emails through the mail gateway which is setup
>> properly.
> Sigh.  I was hoping to be able to avoid this.  But both of the
> responses were basically, set up something to handle incoming mail.
>> No need to replicate the pain again and again for individual servers.  
> But your answer assumes there is already an incoming email system set
> up for that domain somewhere.  But since that isn't always true it
> means that one would always need to be set up for it.  And if there is
> only one single server for the project then that is the server it will
> land on.  My preference would be not to do it at all.

Check and see if DMA, Dragonfly mail agent, is available for your machine.  It 
is a very simple send only mail server.  It is easy to setup and run.  Only 
sends mail.  Nothing else other than DNS resolution is required.

-- Doug

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