On 14/10/2020 16:06, Wietse Venema wrote:
> Jeff Abrahamson:
>> I've set up OpenDKIM.? I've noted the config below, but the basic issue
>> is that my mails aren't being DKIM signed and my logs, while showing no
>> mail-related errors, also don't show any evidence of milters running or
>> trying to run.? So I'm suspecting postfix config error rather than
>> opendkim.? So far all doc reading and googling is leading me nowhere
>> immediately helpful.
>> I'm trying to figure out what's wrong or at least how to debug it
>> further.? (This is all on ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS.? I sadly need to get this
> To debug OPENDKIM, ask the OPENDKIM forum.
> But first, look at the output from this command:
> postconf -n
> and see if it shows the settings that you intended to use.
> Ditto with the command "postconf -P" which shows parameter settings
> in master.cf.

Thanks, and agreed about OpenDKIM forum.  As noted, the fact that the
milter appears not to be running suggests to me that I've made an error
on the postfix side.

Thanks for the reminder about postconf, recently mentioned by another
list member.

Jeff Abrahamson
+33 6 24 40 01 57
+44 7920 594 255


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