On 24 Nov 2020, at 02:44, Jaroslaw Rafa <r...@rafa.eu.org> wrote:
> Dnia 23.11.2020 o godz. 16:29:13 @lbutlr pisze:
>> This is not accurate. First, the direct message almost certainly arrives
>> first.
> Unless you use greylisting

That's a whole different issue and anyone using greylisting now I would never 
use for email. But it doesn’t matter which message arrives at my server first, 
the duplicate gets trashed and the first one goes where it should.

> I'm not talking about client getting confused about threading. I'm talking
> about the fact that when you get only an off-list message and reply to it,
> the reply goes only to the original sender and not to the list,

No, that is not the case. When I get a message from bob that was also sent to 
postfix-user several things happen.

First, the message has a reply-to: header added for the postfix list. All 
mailing lists get a reply-to header added with the list address.

Second, the message has a "X-List-name: postfix" added to it regardless of who 
sent it.

Then, on my client, all the messages that are "X-List-name: Postfix" and are 
not archived are shown in a smart mailbox.

> thus messages are missing from thread on the list (thread understood as an
> abstract concept, not a particular implementation in this or that client).

That's not how it works here, and not how it's worked here since I started 
using procmail in the late 90s, though now I use sieve.

"I can't see the point in the theatre. All that sex and violence. I
        get enough of that at home. Apart from the sex, of course." -

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