Am Sun, 6 Dec 2020 15:10:12 +0000
schrieb Chris Green <>:

> I run postfix on my main desktop machine both for sending mail (via my
> hosting provider 'smarthost') and for receiving mail.
> I want to use postfix to provide /usr/bin/sendmail on a laptop and
> some other machines.  These machines won't be receiving E-Mail.
> I've considered the 'send only' programs such as esmtp and msmtp but
> having to maintain *different* configurations is a downside with these
> and I'm already (fairly) familiar with postfix.
> So, is there an easy way to copy my existing postfix configuration
> (in /etc/postfix) to other machines?  What actually needs to be
> different on each machine for it to work?  Does *anything* need to be
> different?

Might be a bit overkill for your use case, but I'd have a look at
keeping your configuration(s) in sync using Ansible or something

| | Julian Kippels
| | M.Sc. Informatik
| |
| | Zentrum für Informations- und Medientechnologie
| | Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
| | Universitätsstr. 1
| | Raum 25.41.O1.32
| | 40225 Düsseldorf / Germany
| |
| | Tel: +49-211-81-14920
| | mail:

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