On 12/9/2020 5:31 AM, maciejm wrote:
Is available to change time "released from hold" ? Probably deafult is
900s (15min). I tested check outgoing e-mail via spamass-milter

DecĀ  9 11:46:13 vmail postfix/cleanup[21295]: 4CrYcj44CHzKmBC:
milter-header-hold: header X-Spam-Flag: YES from unknown[];
from=<t...@domain.ltd> to=<us...@domain.ltd> proto=ESMTP
helo=<[]>: Your message has been marked as spam
DecĀ  9 12:01:01 vmail postfix/postsuper[24219]: 4CrYcj44CHzKmBC:
released from hold

Mail you release from hold with postsuper is released immediately. Once released, the message is put in the deferred queue and treated like other deferred mail and is usually delivered in a few minutes. The defer queue settings are described here:
Generally these shouldn't be changed.

  -- Noel Jones

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