
No, misunderstanding. I'm not asking about SPF, DKIM etc.

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =

I have a mail server for a few domains. I need something more general that permit_mynetworks. From some subnets non authenticated users should be able to send mail with those domain names. For example imagine I'm a mail server for:
- sth1.tld,
- sth2.tld,
- sth3.tld.
Mail from 192.168.1/24 with sender's address 'sth1.tld' should be accepted even if the user is not authenticated, and rejected without authentication for other CIDR blocks. Mail from 192.168.2/24 with sender's address 'sth2.tld' should be accepted even if the user is not authenticated, and rejected without authentication for other CIDR blocks. Mail from 192.168.3/24 with sender's address 'sth3.tld' should be accepted even if the user is not authenticated, and rejected without authentication for other CIDR blocks.

Best regards,

On 2/7/21 5:33 PM, Marek Kozlowski wrote:

Presumably it's my fault but I cannot find such an option. If so - thank you for directing me to it. I'm wondering if it possible to limit incoming mail with '...@somedomain.tld' specified as a sender address*) to IPs belonging from some CIDR ranges:
- if addresses from the ranges belong to 'somedomain.tld'?
- if addresses from the ranges and 'somedomain.tld' A records don;t cover the same sets of hosts?

Thanks in advance,
best regards,

*) For both envelope and internal 'from:' would be perfect; if not - for only one of them.

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