On 2/8/2021 11:45 AM, Eugene Podshivalov wrote:
Thanks for the explanation, Wietse.

Probably the issue is just with the logging levels.
My current configuration already has


and the log file is flooded with message like this

    connect from unknown[ x.x.x.x]
    NOQUEUE: reject: CONNECT from unknown[ x.x.x.x]: 450 4.7.25
    Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname

That's a 450 temporary reject, so if it's a (semi-)legit mail server it will likely try again and again. Bots tend to not come back.

Try changing unknown_client_reject_code=550 to signal a permanent reject.

Also note that reject_unknown_client_hostname is a very strict test and is known to reject some legit mail from slightly misconfigured hosts, sometimes even major providers will fail this test. I'm not telling you to not use this setting, but be aware that it will eventually reject something you want.
It's safer to use reject_unknown_reverse_client_hostname.

which makes it hard to analyse.

I fail to see how that makes analysis any harder. If your logs are for more than a trivial amount of mail use "grep" to find the interesting bits, and "less" to view. The "interesting bits" will vary depending on what you're investigating.

Or use a log summary tool such as pflogsumm or one of the others listed at http://www.postfix.org/addon.html#logfile

Make sure you don't have debug logs turned on, with a -D flag in master.cf, or debug_peer_list, or [smtp|smtpd]_tls_loglevel greater than 1 in main.cf.

For comparison, the postscreen_*_action params let you `enforce` reject a delivery attempt and log it, or just 'drop' the connection silently.

postscreen's drop action _does_not_ eliminate logging. The connect/drop/disconnect is always logged. Drop does eliminate logging of the sender and recipient, which is often useful.

I respectfully suggest you don't waste your valuable time trying to eliminate logging. Postfix logs what is necessary in order to trace where mail came from and what happened to it.

If you want to get rid of the logging (not recommended) use a log filter such as rsyslogd or block the client IP in your firewall, or use fail2ban to automatically block clients that make too many errors.

  -- Noel Jones

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