> Wietse,
> On 2/11/21 1:49 PM, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > sendmail -f sender recipient... < file
> We could debug and solve the issue just wonder for next time: does
> delivery via sendmail command not change the msg by one bit? Especially
> no new or changed headers. Because we found our problem to be the exact
> position of a \r\n If this is placed one bit more left or right the
> error did not occur. That's why we could not reproduce it via swaks
> --data @/file as this adds at least one header which then pushed the
> problematic \r\n to an UN-problematic position.
> Anyway the error was in our external content filter and is fixed now.
> Was an error that had been undetected in our content-filter for more
> than 10 years :-)

sendmail -G -i -f "sender" -- recipient... < file

The -G will prevent Postfix from rewriting/adding message headers.
It will still prepend a Received: header, but if that breaks DKIM,
then the sender is at fault.

However, Postfix behavior is defined only for properly formed email.
There is no warranty for messages with lines that exceeed protocol
limits, <CR> not followed by <LF>, <LF> not preceeded by <CR>, and
so on.


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