> On Apr 10, 2021, at 11:10 AM, Wietse Venema <wie...@porcupine.org> wrote:
> Ralph Seichter:
>> * Wietse Venema:
>>>> Would that not cause a prohibitively large number of open connections
>>>> between Postfix's smtp and the sleeping proxy?
>>> Limited by the (master.cf) per-delivery-transport process limit,
>>> and the (main.cf) per-delivery-transport concurrency limits.
>> I have written and tested a prototype based on your suggestions, which
>> uses goroutines to proxy and delay individual connections. The results
>> look promising so far. I hope that I will get the go-ahead to test this
>> in an environment with a message load closer to production conditions
>> over the next week.
>> One question arose: Postfix documentation [1] mentions that milter
>> header cheks allow "content inspection of message headers that are
>> produced by Milter applications". Does Postfix keep a record of headers
>> which have been added during milter calls, and if so, can the list of
>> added headers be accessed and/or logged?
> There is no such thing. 
> When a Milter asks Postfix to add a header to the message, then
> Postfix runs that header through milter_header_checks before updating
> the queue file (or taking some other action as specified in the
> milter_header_checks result).
>    Wietse

You could probably log added headers with a WARN action if that would be useful 
to you. 

/./  WARN

  — Noel Jones

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